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网址:chongkongwang.oy56.cn  2020-12-29  作者:admin    阅读:

Earthwork excavation process:
Determine the excavation sequence and slope → cut out the contour line of the groove edge along the ash line → excavate in layers → trim the groove edge → clean the bottom
During earthwork excavation, the adjacent buildings or structures, roads, pipelines, etc. shall be prevented from sinking and deformation. If necessary, it is necessary to consult with the design unit or the construction unit, take protective measures, and observe the settlement or displacement during the construction.
If cultural relics or ancient tombs are found during the construction, they shall be properly protected, and shall be reported to the local relevant departments for handling in time before the construction can continue. If permanent stakes for surveying or long-term observation points set by geological and seismic departments are found, they shall be protected. When earthwork construction is carried out in the section where the above ground or underground pipelines and cables are laid, the written consent of the relevant management department shall be obtained in advance, and measures shall be taken during the construction to prevent pipeline damage, collapse and serious accidents caused by excavation.

