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网址:chongkongwang.oy56.cn  2021-12-21  作者:admin    阅读:

建筑用爬架电动葫芦是一种低速环链电动葫芦,一种轻小起重机械,它具有起吊速度慢,机体质量轻,机件硬度高,磨损小的特点。由于在空间较小的工作场所使用更是灵活迅捷,还适合于建筑工程领域的爬架,爬模的提升,大型油罐的群吊,所以又被称之为“群吊电动葫芦”群吊电动葫芦型号是DHP系列。它保留了手拉葫芦轻巧方便的特点,又改进了手拉葫芦人工操作,提升速度慢不足,它集电动葫芦和手拉葫芦的优点与一身,采用盘式制动电机做工作保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 ,行驶减速器减速,具有机构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、效率高、使用方便,制动可靠维护简单等特点。
The climbing frame electric hoist for construction is a kind of low-speed chain electric hoist, a small light lifting machine, which has the characteristics of slow lifting speed, light weight of the body, high hardness of the parts and small wear. Because it is more flexible and quick to use in the workplace with small space, it is also suitable for climbing frame, climbing formwork lifting and group crane of large oil tank in the field of construction engineering, so it is also called "group crane electric hoist". The model of group crane electric hoist is DHP series. It retains the light and convenient features of the chain block, and improves the manual operation of the chain block. The lifting speed is not enough. It combines the advantages of the electric block and the chain block. The disc brake motor is used for work, and the driving reducer is used for deceleration. It has the characteristics of compact mechanism, small volume, light weight, high efficiency, convenient use, reliable braking and simple maintenance.

